

Students will work on a set of assignments to achieve the above-mentioned goals. All assignments included in grading calculations must be uploaded on Blackboard by 11:59 pm. 

A letter issued by the CCNY AccessIbility Center/Student Disability Services (AAC/SDS) is necessary for students to obtain permission to extend the testing or submission time.

The assignments include:

Assignment title Due date Included in Grading Calculations
Topic Selection 2/19 no
Quiz 1: Critical Thinking 2/19 yes (10%)
Quiz 2: Research & Writing 2/26 yes (10%)
Mission Statement

and Annotated Bibliography

3/5 yes (10%)
Creating a profile on Academic Commons and setting up the WordPress site 3/12 no
Quiz 3: Digital Publishing 3/19 yes (10%)
Press Release 3/26 yes (10%)
Website Content & Formal Email 4/9 yes (15%)
Sitemapping & Wireframing 4/16 yes (10%)
Final Project: Complete & Publish the Website 5/7 yes (15%)
Present the finished project to your classmates 5/14 no
Present the finished project at the Schomburg Center (only projects that received the A + grade) 5/21 no



Each quiz is timed (1h 15min) and contains 20 multiple-choice questions based on the assigned readings. The purpose of the quizzes is to help students study and retain factual information necessary for writing, researching, and digital publishing. The quizzes are take-home assignments and students are allowed to use notes during the tests. For detailed instructions, see page 20.

Public Relations Campaign 

This campaign will be informed by research broken down into 4 parts to facilitate students’ progress in critical thinking, writing, and researching

  • Mission Statement 
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Press Release 
  • Website Content
  • Formal Email

Writing/Digital Publishing Labs

Writing and Digital Publishing Labs provide consultation, space, and time for students to work on the assignments due on the day of each Lab. The purpose of the Labs is to help students meet the assignment submission deadlines and provide them with additional help.